A Mega List Of World Building Prompts For Your Stories And Campaigns

Coming up with ideas for your fantasy worlds can be tough. There’s so much to consider and it can be exhausting to try to think of unique angles. To help you on your way you can turn to world building prompts.

These quick ideas provide a vital starting point for developing interesting and unique details. And in this guide, you can find over a hundred prompts. We cover everything from character building and religion to creating unique societies.

First, let’s take a look at what a world building prompt it.

What Is A Writing Prompt?

A writing prompt, specifically in relation to fantasy worldbuilding, is a starting point or idea that inspires the development of a unique and compelling setting for a story. It can take the form of a phrase, sentence, image, or concept that serves as a spark for the imagination, allowing the writer to build out their fictional world in greater detail.

For example, a worldbuilding prompt might be something like “In a world where magic is fading, a young orphan discovers a hidden source of powerful magic that could save the kingdom from destruction.” This prompt could inspire the development of a unique magic system, a detailed history of the kingdom, and a cast of compelling characters who are trying to prevent the looming disaster.

In short, a world building prompt serves as a starting point for developing the rich and intricate details of a fictional world.

an example of a world building prompt: an image of two knights duelling on horseback

A List Of General World Building Prompts

Here’s a list of 50 general worldbuilding prompts that you can use to help inspire your next fantasy story. The possibilities are endless.

  1. A world where the oceans are purple and glow in the dark.
  2. A society where people can only communicate through song.
  3. A world where magic is powered by emotions.
  4. An alternate reality where dinosaurs never went extinct.
  5. A planet where the entire surface is covered in a dense jungle.
  6. A city where time flows backwards.
  7. A society where humans and animals can communicate with each other.
  8. A world where technology has surpassed nature.
  9. A post-apocalyptic world where humans are forced to live underground.
  10. A society where people are born with multiple personalities.
  11. A world where everyone has superpowers, but they can only use them once.
  12. A planet where every living creature is able to teleport.
  13. A society where people can change their physical appearance at will.
  14. A world where the sun never sets.
  15. A world where people are born with wings.
  16. A planet where the weather is controlled by a single deity.
  17. A world where humans can breathe underwater.
  18. A society where dreams can become reality.
  19. A planet where gravity is extremely weak, and people can jump incredible distances.
  20. A society where people are born with a random supernatural ability.
  21. A world where plants are sentient and communicate with humans.
  22. A city where technology has allowed people to upload their consciousness into a digital world.
  23. A society where people are born with the ability to shape-shift into animals.
  24. A world where the dead can be resurrected, but only for a limited time.
  25. A planet where everything is made of crystal.
  26. A society where people can control the elements.
  27. A world where people are born with the memories of their ancestors.
  28. A planet where every living creature is made of metal.
  29. A society where people are able to enter each other’s dreams.
  30. A world where time is cyclical, and events repeat themselves endlessly.
  31. A society where people can manipulate the size of objects at will.
  32. A planet where humans have evolved to live in extreme cold temperatures.
  33. A world where sound waves can be used as weapons.
  34. A city where the buildings are alive and constantly shifting.
  35. A society where people are born with the ability to see the future.
  36. A planet where the surface is covered in an endless desert.
  37. A world where people can communicate telepathically.
  38. A society where people can control the emotions of others.
  39. A planet where the sky is always a swirling mix of colors. Major events could see the sky change unique colors.
  40. A city where the streets are made of water, and boats are the primary means of transportation.
  41. A world where humans can hibernate for extended periods of time.
  42. A society where people are born with the ability to manipulate time.
  43. A planet where the atmosphere is toxic to humans, and they must wear special suits to survive.
  44. A world where people are born with the ability to enter paintings and other works of art.
  45. A society where people can travel through different dimensions.
  46. A planet where the surface is covered in a dense, colorful fog.
  47. A world where people are born with the ability to control machines with their minds.
  48. A city where people are born with the ability to see ghosts.
  49. A society where people can communicate with animals through a special language.
  50. A planet where people are born with the ability to teleport through shadows.

World And Character Building Prompts

Finding interesting angles for your characters can be tricky, especially after investing so much mental effort in your immersive world. Here are thirty character building prompts to help get you started:

  1. A world where people are born with tattoos that reveal their destiny.
  2. A society where children are raised by robots.
  3. A city where people are born with different magical powers depending on the time of day they were born.
  4. A world where people can communicate with animals, but only if they have a special bond with them.
  5. A planet where people are born with a supernatural sense, such as the ability to see ghosts or sense danger.
  6. A society where everyone has a unique birthmark that is linked to their personality and abilities.
  7. A world where people can transform into animals.
  8. A city where people are born with a special connection to the elements, such as the ability to control fire or water.
  9. A society where people are born with a mark that determines their social status. It could be one of their key physical characteristics
  10. A world where people are born with the ability to see into the future, but at a great cost to their own health.
  11. A planet where people are born with different magical abilities based on the phase of the moon they were born under.
  12. A society where people are born with the ability to manipulate dreams.
  13. A world where people are born with a unique musical ability that influences their actions and emotions.
  14. A city where people are born with the ability to read other people’s thoughts.
  15. A society where people are born with the ability to change their physical form at will.
  16. A world where people are born with a unique elemental power, such as the ability to control lightning or earthquakes.
  17. A planet where people are born with the ability to communicate with ghosts and spirits.
  18. A society where people are born with a special mark that identifies them as the chosen one, destined to save the world.
  19. A world where people are born with a special affinity for a particular element or object, such as rocks or crystals.
  20. A city where people are born with the ability to control time.
  21. A society where people are born with a unique ability to create and manipulate illusions.
  22. A world where people are born with a supernatural affinity for a particular color or type of light.
  23. A planet where people are born with a unique empathic ability that allows them to understand and feel the emotions of others.
  24. A society where people are born with a special connection to a particular animal or plant species.
  25. A world where people are born with a unique ability to create and control portals to other dimensions.
  26. A city where people are born with a special connection to the stars and the night sky.
  27. A society where people are born with the ability to communicate with the dead.
  28. A world where people are born with a unique ability to sense and manipulate energy.
  29. A planet where people are born with a supernatural connection to a particular celestial body, such as the moon or the sun.
  30. A society where people are born with a special mark that identifies them as part of a secret organization or society.

Religious World Building Prompts

a hooded figure from a myserious fantasy religion

Faith, religions and belief systems play a huge part in who we are as people. The same is true for the people in our worlds. But creating a religion is no easy feat and it can be hard to deviate from what we know and understand in our real world. Here are some religious world building prompts to give you some inspiration:

  1. A religion that worships a powerful and benevolent nature spirit.
  2. A religion that believes in reincarnation and views death as a natural part of the cycle of life.
  3. A religion that revolves around the worship of ancestors and their continued presence in your imaginary world.
  4. A religion that worships a pantheon of deities, each of which represents a different aspect of life.
  5. A religion that focuses on achieving inner peace and enlightenment through meditation and self-reflection.
  6. A religion that believes in the existence of a powerful divine force that governs the universe.
  7. A religion that places a strong emphasis on the importance of community and the support of one’s fellow believers.
  8. A religion that views magic users and the supernatural as integral parts of the world and seeks to understand and harness them.
  9. A religion that emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony between opposing forces, such as light and dark or life and death.
  10. A religion that venerates a particular animal or creature as a divine symbol of strength or wisdom.
  11. A religion that is focused on the worship of a specific celestial body, such as the sun or moon.
  12. A religion that revolves around the concept of fate or destiny and seeks to understand and influence it.
  13. A religion that believes in the existence of multiple planes of reality or existence beyond the physical world.
  14. A religion that emphasizes the importance of sacrifice and selflessness in the pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  15. A religion that believes in the existence of powerful demons or malevolent spirits that must be fought and conquered.
  16. A religion that views the pursuit of knowledge and understanding as a holy endeavor.
  17. A religion that places a strong emphasis on ritual and ceremony in the expression of faith.
  18. A religion that worships the natural elements, such as fire or water, as powerful divine forces.
  19. A religion that places a strong emphasis on the importance of moral and ethical behavior in the pursuit of spiritual growth.
  20. A religion that views death as a final test of the soul’s worthiness, and the afterlife as a realm of judgment and reward.

World Building Society Prompts

If you’re looking for some unique angles for your society, these prompts may help:

  1. A society that is ruled by powerful sorcerers or witches, who are revered and feared by the common people.
  2. A society that has a strict caste system, with social status and occupation determined by birth.
  3. A society of nomads who travel across the land in caravans, trading and living off the land.
  4. A society of scholars who value knowledge and education above all else, and who wield great power and influence.
  5. A society that is governed by a council of powerful mages, who use their magical abilities to protect and govern the people.
  6. A society of shapeshifters who can take on the forms of animals or other creatures.
  7. A society of artisans who specialize in a specific craft or trade, such as metalworking or glassblowing. They may reside in growing and major cities in your immersive world.
  8. A society that reveres and worships a group of powerful, god-like beings who protect and guide them.
  9. A society of explorers and adventurers who venture out into the unknown in search of riches and knowledge.
  10. A society that has a strict code of honor and morality, and places great importance on loyalty and duty.
  11. A society of traders who control the flow of goods and information across the land, and who wield significant economic power.
  12. A society that is ruled by a powerful monarch, who is supported by a council of advisors and powerful nobles.
  13. A society of warriors who are bound by a strict code of conduct and who view combat as a sacred art.
  14. A society that is steeped in tradition and ceremony, with elaborate rituals for everything from births to funerals.
  15. A society that is built around a powerful and ancient magic that pervades everything in the world.
  16. A society of mercenaries and sellswords who are hired to protect or attack for a fee.
  17. A society of outcasts and misfits who have formed their own community on the fringes of society.
  18. A society that is built around a powerful religion or faith, with strict rules and practices governing every aspect of life.
  19. A society of powerful and mysterious beings who live in isolation from the rest of the world, and who guard powerful secrets and knowledge.
  20. A society of farmers and herders who have a deep connection to the land, and who view their role in life as caretakers of the earth.

Worldbuilding Prompts For Magic Systems

Here are 20 worldbuilding prompts to help you develop a unique and compelling magic system:

  1. What is the origin of magic in your world? Is it derived from nature, gods, ancient artifacts, or something else?
  2. Define different types or schools of magic in your world. Are there elemental magics, necromancy, illusion, or other specialized branches?
  3. What are the limitations and constraints of magic in your world? Is there a cost or price associated with using magic?
  4. Are there rare and powerful magical abilities that only a few individuals possess? How do they come by these abilities?
  5. How does magic influence the different cultures in your world? Is it embraced, feared, or tightly controlled?
  6. Are there magical creatures unique to your world? How do they interact with magic, and can they be harnessed or controlled?
  7. How does magic exist and interact with technology in your imaginary world? Does it enhance or hinder technological advancements?
  8. What are some legendary magical artifacts in your world? How were they created, and what powers do they possess?
  9. Is there a magical society or organization that governs the use of magic? How is magical knowledge passed down?
  10. Are there forms of magic that are forbidden or taboo in your world? What consequences exist for those who practice them?
  11. Does magic fluctuate with the seasons or celestial events? Are there times when magic is stronger or weaker?
  12. Are there magical abilities that are passed down through bloodlines? How does lineage affect magical prowess?
  13. Is there a form of magical currency or resources that people trade or covet? How does it impact the economy?
  14. Are there schools or institutions dedicated to teaching magic? How do they operate, and what do students learn?
  15. What laws or regulations govern the use of magic? How are magical disputes settled in your world?
  16. Are there magical afflictions or curses in your imaginary world? How do they manifest, and can they be cured?
  17. Are there specific locations in your world where magic is particularly potent or behaves differently?
  18. Is there a form of magic related to memory manipulation? How is it used, and are there ethical concerns?
  19. Is there a special language or incantations used in your magic system? How does the language affect the effectiveness of spells?
  20. Have there been wars or conflicts in your world fueled by magic? What were the consequences, and how did it shape the world’s history

Worldbuilding Prompts For DnD Campaigns

Here are some prompts and ideas for your DnD campaigns:

  1. Describe an ancient civilization’s ruins with hidden mysteries and dangers.
  2. Create a city that mysteriously disappeared, exploring its downfall and remnants.
  3. Invent a cursed artifact, detailing its nature and the consequences of wielding or destroying it.
  4. Develop a hidden underground society with its own rules, culture, and conflicts.
  5. Explore a celestial invasion, detailing the motives and impact on the balance of power.
  6. Design a haunted forest, explaining the cause and the entities or spirits within.
  7. Develop an interdimensional portal’s location and the beings trying to breach it.
  8. Imagine floating islands in the sky, with details about inhabitants and sustainability.
  9. Create a region where time behaves strangely, exploring its impact and temporal anomalies.
  10. Identify a dragon’s lair and its relationship with the surrounding region.
  11. Describe a magical plague, outlining symptoms and consequences for affected creatures.
  12. Develop a goblin market, specifying the rules for trading and unique items available.
  13. Envision a living dungeon, explaining its sentience and ever-changing nature.
  14. Design a place where elemental forces converge, detailing effects and creatures drawn to it.
  15. Describe a region ruled by undead creatures, specifying the entities in power and challenges for the living.
  16. Identify a perpetual magical storm’s location, detailing its effects and hidden treasures.
  17. Create a stronghold built by giants, detailing the giants inhabiting it and their interactions with other races.
  18. Invent a mystical library guarded by magical entities, exploring the challenges to access its wisdom.
  19. Develop a whimsical and surreal location with unusual physics and creatures, detailing the rules of this strange land.
  20. Describe a city suspended in the clouds, detailing the races inhabiting it and their solutions for living in the sky.

Learn More About Worldbuilding

If you’d like to learn more about worldbuilding and discover more prompts to help inspire your writing, then check out the guides below:

  • How Much Worldbuilding Should You Do Before You Start Writing? – this guide provides some useful advice
  • How To Start Worldbuilding – Find tips from bestselling fantasy authors here
  • r/worldbuilding – The Reddit Community For Worldbuilders, as it’s otherwise known, is a great resource. Learn more here.
  • If you need more structured support, try this worldbuilding checklist. It gives you excellent guidance on building the physical and cultural elements of your fictional world.

If you have any questions about these world building prompts, please contact me here

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