Here you can find the latest news on my upcoming works of fiction.

What Is This Page About?

One issue I’ve decided to tackle is a lack of clarity when it comes to my fiction, at least when it comes to the public eye.

In my head, all of this is mapped out, but it occurred to me that a reader couldn’t make head nor tail of it, which is a failing on my part.

So here, you can learn all about my fantasy world, Tervia, and the stories that I continue to populate it with. 

You can find a full list of those stories in chronological order and grouped by era below, along with some teasers about each one, when and where they were first published, and how you can read them. 

Let me start by explaining the philosophy underpinning my current project, The Tales of Tervia

About The Tales Of Tervia

These stories tell the tales of individual characters caught up in the struggle between the light and the darkness, good and evil.

It’s one of the oldest fantasy tropes, but the one I love most about the genre. It gives you the ability to explore human nature, what it means to be good, what it means to be bad, and what it means to drift between the two. In other other words, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Each story is designed to reveal more and more of the world of Tervia, its people, its ancient past, and the dark shadows that move across the land, as well as the forces of good who try to stop them. 

Character-driven, you’ll meet a diverse cast from all walks of life. And one common strand marries them all—they’re underdogs, and in their stories, they battle against the odds to do what they think is right. 

Below, each tale has been set out in chronological order, with some grouped into the events that define the era. 

map of tervia
A map showing the South-West corner of Tervia

The Tales Of Tervia

The Fall, 1021, The Second Age Of Man

The Struggle, 1044-1046, The Second Age Of Man

War In The Hills Of Moragon. 1046-1069, The Second Age Of Man

How To Read The Tales Of Tervia

It’s possible to read many of the stories listed above for free. To do so, you can download the book via StoryOrigin, an indepdent platform that helps authors distribute their books directly to readers, without the need for Amazon. Just click the StoryOrigin button below to get started.

tales of tervia book cover

Progress Report: 27.05.2024

Two books in the list above, Together We Rise and Elanta, are currently unreleased and in the throes of the editing process. Here’s a quick summary of where each is up to and when you may be able to read them.

Together We Rise

60 %

50% of the way through round one edits.

The aim is to have this stage complete by mid-July, ready for my editor to review. Hoping for a release by December 2024.

To whet your appetitie, I’ve created a theme song for the novella which evokes the feeling and vibe of the story: revolution.


75 %

First and second-round edits are complete. Round three should be completed by September.

You might not see this one for a while, though. The plan is to pitch this to literary agents. 

Keep In The Loop

If you don’t want to miss any progress report updates or you’d rather the convenience of getting them all pinged to your inbox, complete the form below.

I send an email out once a month with all of the latest news on the writing front, plus a horde of free books for you to enjoy.

Next Steps

At the end of each month, I’ll update this progress report and share any other book-related news.

I’ll also share snippets of writing from both books to give you a bit of a teaser of what you can expect. 

I’m also in the process of developing an interactive map where you can see all of the stories in different parts of Tervia and click on each one to read it and learn more about what went on. 

By the end, you’ll hopefully have a full fantasy world to explore and immerse yourself in.

As always, if you have any questions for me, please get in touch.
