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15 Amazing Words To Describe The Moon, With Definitions And Example Sentences

4 Mins read

When we write out stories, many scenes take place at night. A prominent feature of those scenes is the moon and starry sky.

But to enrich your story and draw your readers deeper into the scene and to help them understand what it feels like to be there, we need vivid descriptions, ones that draw upon the likes of the 5 senses.

So to help you achieve that, you can find a list of 15 brilliant words to describe the moon, complete with definitions, examples and guidance on how to use them in your writing.

Here’s the quick list, and below you can find the definition, examples and guidance on each:

  1. Ethereal
  2. Lunar
  3. Nocturnal
  4. Crescent
  5. Silvery
  6. Eclipsed
  7. Pale
  8. Cratered
  9. Waxing
  10. Gibbous
  11. Orb
  12. Luminous
  13. Desolate
  14. Astral
  15. Resplendent
a large crescent moon in a night sky with a tree beside it

1. Ethereal


Delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world; heavenly or celestial.

Example Sentences

The ethereal light of the moon gave the night an otherworldly glow.

She looked ethereal, bathed in the moon’s gentle light.

How To Use The Word

Use “ethereal” to describe the moon’s light when it appears delicate, almost otherworldly.

2. Lunar


Relating to or resembling the moon

Example Sentences

The astronauts conducted various experiments on the lunar surface.

The lunar cycle influences the tides on Earth.

How To Use The Word

Use “lunar” when referring to anything related to the moon.

3. Nocturnal


Active or occurring during the night.

Example Sentences

The nocturnal glow of the moon guided the travelers through the forest.

Owls and other nocturnal creatures thrive under the moonlight.

How To Use The Word

Use “nocturnal” to describe activities or phenomena that happen at night, often under moonlight.

4. Crescent


The shape of the visible part of the moon when it is less than half illuminated.

Example Sentences

A delicate crescent moon adorned the evening sky.

The crescent moon looked like a celestial smile hanging above.

How To Use The Word

Use “crescent” to describe the moon when it is in a thin, curved shape.

5. Silvery


Having the appearance of or resembling silver; shiny and grey-white.

Example Sentences

The silvery light of the moon bathed the landscape in a magical glow.

Her hair shone with a silvery sheen under the moonlight.

How To Use The Word

Use “silvery” to describe the moon’s light when it appears bright and metallic, like silver.

6. Eclipsed


When one celestial body moves into the shadow of another, particularly when the moon passes into the Earth’s shadow.

Example Sentences

The lunar eclipse left the moon partially eclipsed and cast in a reddish hue.

As the moon was eclipsed by the Earth, the night sky darkened.

How To Use The Word

Use “eclipsed” to describe the event when the moon is obscured by another celestial body.

7. Pale


Light in color or shade, often suggesting a gentle or subdued light.

Example Sentences

The pale light of the moon made the garden look almost ethereal.

Under the pale moon, shadows seemed to dance around the old oak tree.

How To Use The Word

Use “pale” to describe the moon’s light when it appears soft and subdued.

8. Cratered


Marked with craters, as the surface of the moon.

Example Sentences

The cratered landscape of the moon was visible through the telescope.

Moon missions have mapped out the heavily cratered regions.

How To Use The Word

Use “cratered” to describe the surface of the moon when referring to its many craters.

9. Waxing


The process of the moon increasing in visibility, moving from a new moon towards a full moon.

Example Sentences

Each night, the waxing moon grew larger and brighter.

They planned their hike to coincide with the waxing phase of the moon.

How To Use The Word

Use “waxing” to describe the moon when it is becoming more visible each night.

10. Gibbous


The shape of the moon when it is more than half illuminated but not yet full.

Example Sentences

The gibbous moon cast a bright light over the fields.

As the moon approached fullness, its gibbous form became more pronounced.

How To Use The Word

Use “gibbous” to describe the moon when it is more than half but not fully illuminated.

a picture of a gibbous moon

11. Orb


A spherical or round object, often used poetically to refer to the moon.

Example Sentences

The orb of the moon hung low in the sky, glowing softly.

She gazed at the luminous orb, lost in thought.

How To Use The Word

Use “orb” as a poetic or literary term to describe the shape of the moon.

12. Luminous


Emitting or reflecting light, especially in the dark; glowing.

Example Sentences

The luminous moon lit up the entire valley.

Her eyes sparkled like the luminous moon in the night sky.

How To Use The Word

Use “luminous” to describe the moon when it is bright and glowing.

13. Desolate


Deserted and barren, often evoking a sense of emptiness.

Example Sentences

The desolate surface of the moon is covered in dust and rocks.

Standing on the desolate plain, he felt as if he were on the moon.

How To Use The Word

Use “desolate” to describe the moon’s surface when emphasizing its barren and empty nature.

14. Astral


Relating to or resembling the stars or other celestial bodies.

Example Sentences

The moon, along with the astral bodies, created a breathtaking nightscape.

They marveled at the astral beauty of the moon and stars.

How To Use The Word

Use “astral” to describe the moon in the context of other celestial phenomena.

15. Resplendent


Shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid

Example Sentences

The resplendent moon filled the night with its radiant glow.

Under the resplendent moonlight, the garden looked like a fairy tale.

How To Use The Word

Use “resplendent” to describe the moon when it is shining brightly and beautifully.

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to discover more writing tips and guides to help you master the craft of stroytelling, head here to get started. And if you’d like to discuss more ways or words to describe the moon with fellow writers, why not join our Discord writing group? You can learn more here.

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About author
Richie Billing writes fantasy fiction, historical fiction and stories of a darker nature. He's had over a dozen short stories published in various magazines and journals, with one adapted for BBC radio. In 2021 his debut novel, Pariah's Lament, an epic fantasy, was published by Of Metal and Magic. Richie also runs The Fantasy Writers' Toolshed, a podcast devoted to helping writers improve their craft. Most nights you can find him up into the wee hours scribbling away or watching the NBA.
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